The New Mexico Vulnerable Road User Safety Assessment Report has been finalized and approved by the Cabinet Secretary.

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New Mexico DOT

Vulnerable Road User Safety Assessment and Strategic Highway Safety Plan

About the project

Vulnerable Road User Safety Assessment and Strategic Highway Safety Plan

The Infrastructure and Jobs Act (Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) signed into law on November 15, 2021 created a new requirement under the Highway Safety Improvement Program for states to develop a Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) Safety Assessment. The VRU Assessment must identify areas high risk areas in New Mexico for vulnerable road users. 

As defined in federal guidance, a VRU is a non-motorist roadway transportation system user. This includes bicyclists, pedestrians, or other means of transportation (skateboards, roller skates, etc.), and persons using mobility assistance devices. Additionally, highway workers in active work zones or maintenance areas are included, however motorcyclists are excluded.

Share your experiences!

Share your experiences as a vulnerable road user in New Mexico with our interactive engagement tool. Insert a pin at the location of interest and attach a comment to the pin.

Interactive Engagement Tool

The VRU Assessment complements NMDOT’s ongoing efforts to improve pedestrian safety state-wide and works in tandem with the Pedestrian Safety Action Plan, the New Mexico Prioritized Statewide Bicycle Network Plan, the Highway Safety Plan and Metropolitan Planning Organization and local safety plans.

The first phase of the project is to develop the VRU Assessment and submit the assessment to the Federal Highway Administration by November 15, 2023. In the second phase of the project, working in conjunction with the VRU Assessment, our project team will be developing a new Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). The SHSP is a required element of the state’s Highway Safety Improvement Program. The VRU Assessment is required to be incorporated into the state’s SHSP so the new SHSP will be built around the VRU Assessment. SHSP is a comprehensive document for coordinating goals between many different statewide planning documents and agencies. To view the most recent 2021 New Mexico SHSP click this link.

Topics that will be integrated into our project plans include:

Topics that will be integrated into our project plans include

Click on the circles to learn more

Topics that will be integrated into our project plans include
Fatal Crash Data Analysis Overall Trends in NM Transit VRUs Drivers/ Passengers Prioritizing Investments The Five E’s of Roadway Safety Safe System Approach National Roadways Safety Policy Complete Streets

Fatal Crash Data Analysis

Click on the link below for more Information on Fatal Crash Data Analysis

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Overall Trends in NM


 8/10/2023: At the time of this analysis, the status of 2022 crash data is considered preliminary and was used as-is 

Fatalities and A-Injuries from 2012 to 2022 Chart

Pedestrians/Bicyclist Fatalaties and A-Injuries from 2012 to 2022


Click on the link below for more Information on Transit

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Family on Bikes

Click on the link below for more Information on Vulnerable Road User Safety

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Drivers/ Passengers

Information and links on Drivers/ Passengers will be shared soon.

Prioritizing Investments

Click on the link below for more information on Prioritizing Investments Countermeasures

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and CMF Clearinghouse

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The Five E’s of Roadway Safety

Click on the link below for more information on Enforcement, Education, Emergency Response, Engineering
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Click on the link below for more information on Equity
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Safe System Approach

Biking KIDS

Click on the link below for more Information on Safe System Approach

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National Roadways Safety Policy


Click on the link below for more Information on the National Roadways Safety Policy

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Complete Streets

Click on the link below for more Information on Complete Streets

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We want to hear from you!

Your feedback is a valuable part of the New Mexico VRU Assessment and SHSP process. Throughout the project, this site will provide opportunities to share your ideas about the DOT’s efforts and the direction of our progress. Please check back for document updates, surveys, and a chance to use the interactive map to share your ideas for New Mexico DOT to improve the safety of our roadways for all users.

Project Timeline

Project Initiation and Orientation
In Progress
Website Development
In Progress
Data Gathering and Analysis
Develop a Style Guide
Develop a Public/Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Review of related Documents and Plans
Develop VRU Assessment Document
Not Started
Develop SHSP Document

Who is Listening to Your Input?

Jason Coffey

Technical Unit Supervisor, Multimodal Planning and Programs Bureau, New Mexico Department of Transportation

Tommy Myszka - PE, RSP1

Highway Safety Engineer, Jacobs Engineering Group

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