10:05:43 From Amy Bell - Groundwork Studio : https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.menti.com/alkdu4qf6he6__;!!B5cixuoO7ltTeg!EQ7PmX3FUjvxBuI8zPlsguVXrJ8ZGHaREPePS5pmETuwrd0us5Q12OkR7tWuKmQLRekuJTxDoxM1q9T-3Ywzxf3j$ voting code 5986 3531 10:08:13 From Kim Kolody : Kim Kolody, Jacobs. 10:08:28 From Aaron Moore : Aaron Moore RTPO 10:08:46 From Tatiana Falcon-Rodriguez : Tatiana Falcón Rodríguez, Presbyterian Community Health 10:13:36 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : How is qualitative data also being included in addition to numbers? If “vulnerable communities” are the focus, how are their stories and feedback being centered? 10:14:38 From Maren Neldam : Reacted to "How is qualitative d..." with 👍 10:14:47 From Amy Bell - Groundwork Studio : Great question Christopher - the team will address it as the presentation progresses 10:17:21 From Maren Neldam to Maren Neldam(Direct Message) : Hi! Oddly, zoom logged you in as me. Can you change your name so we can see who you are :)? 10:19:28 From Amy Bell - Groundwork Studio : If you haven't already, please note your name and organization/agency in the chat - Thanks! 10:20:27 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Reacted to "Great question Chris..." with 👍🏼 10:20:49 From Tommy Myszka : FYI to all - we will be posting this slide deck to the project website, along with a version translated to Spanish. 10:20:51 From Tommy Myszka : https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://newmexicodotshsp.com/__;!!B5cixuoO7ltTeg!EQ7PmX3FUjvxBuI8zPlsguVXrJ8ZGHaREPePS5pmETuwrd0us5Q12OkR7tWuKmQLRekuJTxDoxM1q9T-3YQybWb3$ 10:21:00 From Jennifer Lopez : Jennifer Lopez - Albuquerque Public Schools, Capital Master Plan, Intern Planner 10:21:06 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Isn’t that statewide number (15%) higher in some communities? Like Central Avenue? 10:22:07 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Got it, understand that importance of the number now. 10:22:20 From Amy Bell - Groundwork Studio : Thanks Christopher! 10:22:38 From Brandon Gonzalez, Alta : Also everyone, you can interact with an interactive map on the project website linked above after the meeting and see the details of the HIN. 10:22:54 From Amira Rasheed : Within that 15% do we know how many are people with a disability or using wheelchairs, walkers, or other devices? 10:24:17 From Amira Rasheed : Thank you! 10:24:24 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Reacted to "Within that 15% do w..." with 👍🏼 10:24:30 From Amy Bell - Groundwork Studio : Great question! 10:24:34 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Replying to "Within that 15% do w..." Appreciate that question! 10:27:42 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : How is NMDOT (and contractors) defining equity? 10:31:34 From Aaron Moore : dusk is the hardest time to see because of the lose of shadows, also, and depth perception uses hard edges a lot 10:33:24 From Amira Rasheed : 20% 10:35:30 From Tommy Myszka : Replying to "How is NMDOT (and co..." FHWA provides guidance on this. We have followed much of what they offer and it is good to see the results of our poll question had many in common with the federal guidance (age, income, access to vehicle, race, etc.) 10:38:29 From Kendra Montanari : https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.menti.com/alkdu4qf6he6__;!!B5cixuoO7ltTeg!EQ7PmX3FUjvxBuI8zPlsguVXrJ8ZGHaREPePS5pmETuwrd0us5Q12OkR7tWuKmQLRekuJTxDoxM1q9T-3Ywzxf3j$ Is the proximity to intersection because that is where all the people are or because it is most dangerous than a mid-block crossing? 10:40:31 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Is there data for how many of these are connected to Central Ave? 10:41:25 From Amy Bell - Groundwork Studio : Yes - I believe the HIN includes that information with geographic location 10:42:08 From Brandon Gonzalez, Alta : Hi Christopher - absolutely. We have the number, location, and severity of crashes along Central Avenue. 10:44:26 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Iliff and Coors is interesting… 10:45:59 From Amy Morse : Thanks for the helpful presentation! 10:47:40 From Amira Rasheed : Is Universal Design and ADA considerations in the plan? Because I think that is important to get in this data. 10:47:44 From Tatiana Falcon-Rodriguez : My apologies, I have to hop off to a different meeting. Thank you! 10:47:49 From Maren Neldam to Claire Jordy - Groundwork Studio(Direct Message) : Do you want me to track the chat? 10:47:54 From Amira Rasheed : And to get reported on. 10:48:28 From Claire Jordy - Groundwork Studio to Maren Neldam(Direct Message) : Sure 10:50:32 From Kelly Dunn | Alta Planning + Design : The intersection buffer was 100 feet. 10:51:49 From Amy Morse : Shade from the heat or protection from severe weather too. 10:52:32 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : I also want to mention that in some parts of Central it’s so wide (six or more lanes) that it’s also a BIG factor 10:54:33 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Great question — including day and time too! 10:54:55 From Krista Flynt : The 11% and 21% data points were statewide statistics. 10:55:18 From Jennifer Lopez : Having a better Node to Node connectivity within the city could also help. There is a lot of disconnect with bike trails and paths sidewalks are also not accessible in all communities. Additionally when we have roads like Isleta with 40 mph speed limits it increases KA collision, which is counter intuitive the way we set speeds with the 85th percentile. 10:55:47 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Love the idea of education and outreach to most impacted communities Karen! 10:56:08 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Isn’t that data true (or higher) in ABQ? For Native over-representation. 10:57:20 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Thanks for those points Rebecca! 10:59:52 From Maren Neldam : Feel free to unmute or to share in the chat 10:59:58 From Cordell Bock (APS) : Apologies, I have to head to another meeting. Thanks! 11:00:05 From Maren Neldam : Reacted to "Apologies, I have to..." with 👍 11:00:13 From Maren Neldam : Replying to "Apologies, I have to..." Thanks for being here 11:00:39 From Jeff Hertz : I have to hop off as well! Great presentations and discussion. Looking forward to future meetings. 11:00:42 From Karen Waconda : first time seeing data, so this is great 11:00:44 From Kendra Montanari : Consistant 11:01:04 From Peach Anderson-Tauzer, MRMPO : It is consistent with the data I've seen. 11:01:25 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Absolutely backs up stories and data we have seen over the past seven+ years 11:01:47 From Krista Flynt : https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://apd.maps.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?webmap=84cfd636cb8e4e7eaf4a32149b062a22__;!!B5cixuoO7ltTeg!EQ7PmX3FUjvxBuI8zPlsguVXrJ8ZGHaREPePS5pmETuwrd0us5Q12OkR7tWuKmQLRekuJTxDoxM1q9T-3QqEgC2Y$ 11:02:00 From Krista Flynt : If people want to navigate the HIN, its in the link above 11:02:02 From Guest : Does the data include walking and cycling on multi-use paths? 11:02:19 From Brandon Gonzalez, Alta : https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nmdotvru.altaplanning.cloud/*/step-one/__;Iw!!B5cixuoO7ltTeg!EQ7PmX3FUjvxBuI8zPlsguVXrJ8ZGHaREPePS5pmETuwrd0us5Q12OkR7tWuKmQLRekuJTxDoxM1q9T-3VqGq2fU$ 11:02:39 From Brandon Gonzalez, Alta : Feel free to dive into the map there for a closer look at the Albuquerque area. 11:02:52 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Appreciate Amira’s questions about people with disabilities and understanding how they are disproportionately impacted by injury and fatalities — would still like to see race/ethnicity data because other data has showed Native communities and victims being disproportionately impacted too 11:03:01 From Clare Haley : Albuquerque DMD has recently completed a prioritization of their HFIN - you might want to reach out to them and see how it matches up with this HIN 11:03:04 From Kim Kolody, Jacobs : Amira Rasheed, ADA is a factor that is being considered and compliance and universal design is a strategy that will be considered. The crash report indicates the user (bike, pedestrian) but does not indicate a disability. This information can sometimes be identified through the narrative of the crash report but may not always be available. This is an opportunity to identify data enhancements to improve analysis and system needs. Stakeholder input tools are also helping us to understand ADA needs. 11:03:06 From Forest Replogle, MRMPO : Yes, the areas/tracts with high concentrations of populations of concern for equity are pretty consistent with regional analyses we've done 11:04:49 From Jennifer Lopez : I worked with Professor Nick F. at UNM in class on the ART analysis and it did improve crashes, and another analysis we did was central and east and west central had the most hot spots for KA collisions were some ART infrastructure was missing. 11:05:38 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Exactly Rebecca 11:05:46 From Brandon Gonzalez, Alta : Excellent point, Rebecca! 11:06:43 From Karen Waconda : Great point Christopher. Coors and Westgate is the most scarcest to walk and bike on. 11:07:09 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Reacted to "Great point Christop..." with 👍🏽 11:08:08 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Infrastructure. And equity - race, gender, income and ability 11:08:45 From Clare Haley : Speed related to wide roads 11:08:46 From Kendra Montanari : Design for speed 11:08:57 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Larger vehicles, distracted driving due to smart phones, lack of critical pedestrian/cycle infra. 11:09:13 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : In other data we have seen alcohol/drug use seem to play a big factor too especially along Central 11:09:25 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Reacted to "In other data we hav..." with 👍🏽 11:09:57 From Amira Rasheed : Lack of accessible sidewalks and ramps, pushing people to travel in less safe ways (eg walkers in bike lane) 11:10:26 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Larger vehicles = oversized SUVs and personal trucks. 11:10:32 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Agreed Richard — root causes and not presenting problems of alcohol/drugs! 11:10:38 From Clare Haley : A lack of alternatives to driving home from the bars contributes to DWI 11:11:24 From Kelly Dunn | Alta Planning + Design : The alcohol data also does not necessarily mean that it was a contributing factor; it appears to just note if the person had been consuming alcohol. 11:11:43 From Forest Replogle, MRMPO : There are a lot of impaired pedestrians along the Central corridor, either with apparent mental health issues or visibly using drugs, particularly near those intersections in the International District 11:12:13 From Kendra Montanari : Yes. Great coordination. Supporting complimentary planning efforts and integrating / referencing plans. 11:13:22 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : No. Need more engagement with most impacted communities. In Downtown, International District and Westgate it often feels like those who live, work, play, pray and learn in those communities are not authentically engaged at multiple levels — city, county, state, federal. 11:13:36 From Karen Waconda : Presbyterian HealthSource, through REACH, we can assist in Hispanic, Native American and low income population areas for bike, walk, and other education. 11:14:07 From Guest : A multi-modal road user! Conversant in all modes and how they work together! 11:14:18 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Reacted to "Presbyterian HealthS..." with ❤️ 11:14:43 From Guest : Mark Aasmundstad, sorry, logged in as guest I guess 11:14:53 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Also I do think we need to do more to engage Native and tribal communities and organizations especially connected to Central Avenue 11:15:36 From Richard Meadows : Funding for improving pedestrian infrastructure on NMDOT roadways 11:15:52 From Karen Waconda : developing signs that are user friendly that involve Native students implementation 11:16:01 From Kendra Montanari : Education surrounding safety treatments 11:16:03 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Benches, jayhawk signals, road diets, shade, sidewalks, street lights and slowing down/closing Central to shift focus from cars to people 11:16:27 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Prioritize protected bike lanes, create quick build projects for most problematic intersections/streets. 11:16:39 From Forest Replogle, MRMPO : Heat relief is an increasingly important safety issue 11:16:55 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Reacted to "Heat relief is an in..." with 👍🏼 11:16:55 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Reacted to "Benches, jayhawk sig..." with 👍🏽 11:17:02 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Reacted to "Heat relief is an in..." with 👍🏽 11:17:03 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Reacted to "Prioritize protected..." with 👍🏼 11:17:22 From Brandon Gonzalez, Alta : Quick build is something FHWA has been giving a lot of attention to. Curious if anyone has any experience locally on barriers or opportunities! If so, please share. 11:17:24 From Guest : Trees and landscaping can affect sight lines 11:17:28 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Paint is not protection (bike lanes). 11:17:28 From Willy Simon : be more creative and willing to implement low-cost street interventions like using paint, flex posts, and planters to create new pedestrian refuges/curb extensions. 11:18:03 From Brandon Gonzalez, Alta : Reacted to "be more creative and..." with 👍🏼 11:18:07 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Reacted to "be more creative and..." with 👍🏽 11:19:12 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Car dependency and vintage street design. Stroads. 11:19:20 From Kendra Montanari : Alignment behind shared responsibility among multiple stakeholders (enforcement, engineering, planning, etc) 11:19:32 From Guest : Focus on walking and cycling modes for their own qualities, dynamics, and merits, not just in relation to motorized travel. They are basic and fundamental to transportation, and human life. 11:19:42 From Clare Haley : Resistance to road diets/reducing LOS for vehicles - safety should be a priority over LOS 11:20:06 From Richard Meadows : lack of staff to implement projects 11:20:23 From Karen Waconda : Language and interpretation barriers, especially representing NA 11:20:24 From Guest : We need data on walking and cycling crashes and falls that do not involve motor vehicles. 11:20:33 From Willy Simon : fear of trying something different new/different because of potential lawsuits 11:21:20 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Politics. Not prioritizing safe streets for all road users. 11:22:10 From Kendra Montanari : Aging infrastructure 11:22:11 From Peach Anderson-Tauzer, MRMPO : Lack of support for strategies that implement tactical urbanism or creative, grass roots, and community based approaches that can show big impacts from affordable and quick build interventions. 11:22:13 From Guest : Taking a systemic approach to facilitating walking, cycling and rolling travel, taking as seriously as travel to design for as we take for cars. 11:22:18 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Reacted to "fear of trying somet..." with 👍🏽 11:22:56 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Reacted to "Lack of support for ..." with 👍🏽 11:23:25 From Scott Hale : Prioritize outreach to multimodal users community wide. Experiential input can point to many simple ways to minimize vulnerable user exposure 11:24:46 From Forest Replogle, MRMPO : Would you put these links in the chat? 11:24:59 From Brandon Gonzalez, Alta : https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://newmexicodotshsp.com/__;!!B5cixuoO7ltTeg!EQ7PmX3FUjvxBuI8zPlsguVXrJ8ZGHaREPePS5pmETuwrd0us5Q12OkR7tWuKmQLRekuJTxDoxM1q9T-3YQybWb3$ 11:24:59 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Sorry what’s the timeline for input? 11:25:16 From Brandon Gonzalez, Alta : About another month an a half, Christopher 11:25:35 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Reacted to "About another month ..." with 👍🏼 11:25:48 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Map - https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://nmdotvru.altaplanning.cloud/*/home__;Iw!!B5cixuoO7ltTeg!EQ7PmX3FUjvxBuI8zPlsguVXrJ8ZGHaREPePS5pmETuwrd0us5Q12OkR7tWuKmQLRekuJTxDoxM1q9T-3c_xfCs2$ 11:25:57 From Claire Jordy : Please feel free to share the link for the project and interactive maps with your networks 11:25:58 From Forest Replogle, MRMPO : Reacted to "https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://newmexicodot__;!!B5cixuoO7ltTeg!EQ7PmX3FUjvxBuI8zPlsguVXrJ8ZGHaREPePS5pmETuwrd0us5Q12OkR7tWuKmQLRekuJTxDoxM1q9T-3fBSosBK$ ..." with 👍 11:26:19 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers to Maren Neldam(Direct Message) : How can T4B be included with other involvement? 11:26:38 From Maren Neldam to Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers(Direct Message) : Let's follow up after the call 11:26:58 From Richard Meadows : thanks! 11:27:14 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Thanks for this presentation and ability to share feedback. 11:28:26 From Kendra Montanari : Thank you, great session! 11:28:27 From Tara Cok, MRMPO/MRCOG : Great meeting, thank you! We will share links/info with our networks. 11:28:27 From John Hamiga he/him UCSF : Go outside. 11:28:28 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers to Maren Neldam(Direct Message) : Sounds good! 11:28:33 From Christopher Ramirez (they or he) Together for Brothers : Reacted to "Go outside." with 👍🏼 11:28:38 From Peach Anderson-Tauzer, MRMPO : Thank you!